Almost every adult has hair growing where they wish it was not. In the past there were few options for hair removal, and most were caused considerable discomfort or annoyance. Since the mid 1990's however laser hair removal has been offered by physicians to painlessly eradicate unwanted hair. The procedure, sometimes referred to as photoepilation or phototricholysis, employs IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) epilators to target melanin, the substance which gives color to hair and skin. The light pulses disable hair follicles in one specific area. Hair on any part of the body may be eradicated.
Men and women alike have used it to divest themselves of hair on their lips, chins, shoulders, back, bikini area, underarm, abdomen, calves, and thighs. Because it causes virtually no pain, it may be used on bigger areas during one session. The effectiveness of laser hair removal Chicago Liposuction and Cosmetic Institute is long lasting, as the laser pulses stop the progress of any re-growth of hair on the treated area. The process is more promising for some people than others.
It is most successful on course, dark hair, especially for those with light skin. Those with darker skin or fine hair may have to have additional sessions. The procedure does not take much time. A cooling gel is applied to the area and a hand held piece of equipment is then used to administer the light pulses. Afterwards, the gel and any hairs that are removed immediately are wiped away. No downtime is required; you can go right on about your business.
The main warning is sun avoidance for the treated area. In the next two weeks, the were left behind will die and fall out. After that time, you may need a follow up session for touch up. After a lifetime of being shamed by and battling unwanted hair, laser hair removal can give you the smooth skin you have always wanted. A free consultation can help you learn more about the process and decide whether you are a good candidate for the procedure.
Before you commit, make sure you explore all of the laser hair removal Chicago has to offer.